3 sets of 15 reps ???? For example, suppose you complete 15 reps of a bench press. Same with 10-12 reps. How do you know when to hit that rep? Anyways, “2 sets of 5 reps of push-ups” means, “5 consecutive push-ups, a rest, then another 5 consecutive push-ups. 10-15 reps, does it mean you have to hit 10,11,12,13,14 or 15 reps? You would say you've completed "one set of 15 reps." - A topic posted by Nikki C. in the Body Building forum. I have always used a steady number. If you want to develop bigger glute muscles or show some cuts in your back, then you need muscular hypertrophy. There's nothing wrong with those set/rep parameters, but many experienced lifters have outgrown or … I am not talking about getting bulky like the bodybuilders you see in magazines. Do not get me wrong. If you want … We then do two sets, sometimes one if it kicks our butts, until we get 15 reps. We still go heavy and sometimes will even use rest-pauses to get that magic 15. I had followed that general theory for a number of years. What we do is 2 sets of 15 on everything except for the first exercise of a workout, where we will do one to two warm-ups before our working sets. A rep is the number of times you perform a specific exercise, and a set is the number of cycles of reps that you complete. How about progression. You can’t design a strength-training (or weight-training) program without knowing two terms: rep and set. A set is a group of consecutive repetitions. This would mean you would prescribe 8 sets for large muscle group (pectorals) and 3 sets for the small muscle group (biceps). Join the discussion in Workout Trainer for iOS & Android by Skimble. "This sounds super conservative but trust me, it catches up," says Howell. If his main focus is getting stronger, it might be something like 5 sets of 5 reps. The argument for moderate reps (8–12) So what, you ask? If his main focus is getting stronger, it might be something like 5 sets of 5 reps. So, your workout has you doing 4 sets of 5 reps for this exercise, 3 sets of 8 after that, and—oh, thank goodness—only 2 sets of 50 to finish it out. Sets and reps are the terms used to describe the number of times you perform an exercise. While five sets of 15 reps is a good rep range for more seasoned lifters, Howell advises that beginners opt for five sets of 10 reps. Start with a weight you can perform easily (about 50 percent of your max). With other exercises such as lying triceps extensions and barbell curls just cannot deliver the same results. The best rep range for muscular endurance is 12-15 reps per set . Sometimes I do one rep, but for others I may do 2, 3 or even 4 reps. What does it mean when a routine says : bench press: 3 sets x 10-15 reps I am confused about the rep part. There's nothing wrong with those set/rep parameters, but many experienced lifters have outgrown or … Rep (repetition) is one complete motion of an exercise. The number of reps in a set and the number of sets you should do are dependent upon your body strength, your experience, and the goal of … In fact: I am going to show you how changing the number of sets and reps you do over time will help you build more muscle, gain more strength, and improve your fitness. In a very early age of 15 I got into fitness, I used to live in the country, and I was bored so hey why not join the gym and lift some weights right? I do 4 sets with 15 rep warm up with 50% of my max then I do 10,8,6,4 reps of 75% of my max for the first month then after the 1st month then in the second Month I add weight in my 6,4 rep up to 80% my 10,8 rep I keep it at 75%. For some reason, the average lifter is stuck in the "3 sets of 10 reps" mindset. Let's say we've narrowed it down to 6-8 reps per set. ... How Many SETS & REPS … 2) Muscular Hypertrophy: Muscular hypertrophy is the process of growing and developing your muscles. Recently, I moved to Lee’s push-pull system (so chest, shoulders, tri’s on day one, and back, bi’s on day 2), but I radically changed my approach by limiting the number of sets — excluding warm-ups, doing 3-4 diff exercises, but only one set excellent form, as heavy as I can do to failure (7-10 reps).

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