*FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 20 Most Common Mistakes of the Unfaithful Spouse . If you’ve already begun an affair, my hope is this information will give you the courage to begin thinking about the cost of your affair. Numbers 5:11-31 New International Version (NIV) The Test for an Unfaithful Wife. It is very practical, blunt, and tells you exactly what you as an unfaithful spouse needs to do to help you and your spouse heal. Marriage counseling books are wonderful because they allow you and your spouse to work on your issues so you can get your relationship back on track. As an infidelity specialist for 25 years, therapist Linda J. MacDonald has identified behaviors and attitudes that determine unfaithful persons' success or failure to mend their marriages after an affair. Hey guys, I've been searching for this book forever. Divorce and Remarriage, The Unfaithful Spouse: Should I Divorce or Try to Reconcile? I'd had my doubts about the amount of time my husband was spending with his female assistant. I was a 42-year-old mom to three young kids. It's a fiction romance novel I read a couple of years ago. That being the case, we felt we had to make it easy for the betrayed to present the information to their spouse if they so desire. As we mentioned earlier, we ‘re sure of one thing right off the bat… 99.9% of cheaters will not want to read this book – or any other book for that matter (at least initially). In my experience, both personally and professionally, unmet needs in a marriage is not always the reason behind affairs, and believing so leaves the responsibility for the affair on the faithful spouse instead of with the unfaithful spouse where it belongs. For Christians, God is the healer. Many feel guilt too, especially during the affair. We hope that this information will help guide your actions. Listed below are some of the most common ones we see in our practice. You feel that something is just not right, but you really can't put your finger on anything specific. easy for the unfaithful spouse to make a series of mistakes. You want to see crumbs of hope in your marital relationship, but all you see is pain. I recommend this book highly. There is hope and healing after unfaithfulness and adultery. This 14-page, no-nonsense guide goes over many of the do’s and don’ts for the unfaithful spouse after their affair, as well as what they can expect from the betrayed spouse. He throws his weight around and makes whatever catches his fancy his. This book is for the unfaithful spouse, and is spot on in guiding you to what is needed if you wish to save the marriage. The book does a good job in a short amount of space helping you work through these steps so that you can rebuild a strong marriage. Suspicions of a cheating husband can leave you with a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. Books shelved as cheating-spouse: Envy by Sandra Brown, The Woman He Married by Julie N. Ford, Reviving Haven by Cory Cyr, Sparrow by L.J. These books are available at most Christian bookstores. How cheating affects the cheater is complicated and painful. How to Help Your Spouse Heal From Your Affair: A Compact Manual for the Unfaithful [Linda J. MacDonald] on Amazon.com. Mark started How To Catch a Cheating Wife on the 7/10/05. Listed below are some of the most common ones we see in our practice.

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