The integumentary system. Heaviest single organ. 11 Surprising Facts about the Reproductive System #11. Skin. The integumentary system creates vitamin D from sunlight exposure. The integumentary system protects the body from the outside world and harmful substances. 10 Amazing Facts About Your Skin.   2. Skin is the human body's largest organ. 3. It is a network of cells by which messages are relayed back and forth between the brain and various parts of the body. Bed bugs exist solely to eat our dead skin. ... which alert the body's immune system to viruses and other infectious agents. Skin is the body's largest organ, and along with hair, nails, glands and nerves, is part of the integumentary system, according to Oregon State University. More than 40% of our body mass is composed of muscle. There are two layers of skin: Epidermis - This is the top layer of the skin and is made of dead cells.The cells are shed all the time, but new ones are always being made, so people never lose any skin. You shed a surprising 40 lbs of skin in a lifetime. Accuracy: A team of editors takes feedback from our visitors to … Just like every other organ in our body, the skin also has a set of very specialized functions that no other organ can perform. The integumentary system can store fat, glucose, water and vitamin D. The Foundational Model of Anatomy ID (FMA ID) for the integumentary system is 72979. Fun Facts About The Nervous System: The human body is made up of a system that enables us to access our five senses, and interpret information according to what we see, smell, taste, hear or touch.. The circulatory system is a network of blood vessels. The ovaries are the first female reproductive organ to develop. Answer. Fun Facts(: The Integumentary System Song! The integumentary system helps regulate body temperature through its tight association with the sympathetic nervous system, the division of the nervous system involved in our fight-or-flight responses. Did you know that sperm is the smallest human cell, or that some people are born with two working uteruses? You have a whole new layer of skin every month. We lose 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin cells every minute! The integumentary system is characterized by certain features, mostly related to the skin. 1.The female human body is capable of giving birth to 35 infants in one lifetime. The sympathetic nervous system is continuously monitoring body temperature and initiating appropriate motor responses. Here are 11 surprising facts about the reproductive system. Skin, hair, scales, feathers and nails make up the integumentary system. It's your body's largest organ. 2. Skin is the body's largest organ.

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